Program Canada
We are a group of 8 amazing individuals who inaugurated a charitable organization called Outreach Program Canada (OPC). Our mission is to advocate for education – helping to ensure that all children get a proper education in-spite of poor living conditions.
Our Difference
Our Impact
In addition to this over-arching goal, we promote volunteerism, giving back and community involvement. We are located in the beautiful city of Calgary, Alberta and are continuously working on coming up with ways to give back and help those in need.
Our global reach
Outreach Program Canada strongly believes that as a family, as a community, and as a country, we should all be united and act globally as one-unit-one-voice. Come together to foster children, help them to flourish their talent and to sharpen their skills. Education is the most noble gift we can provide to our children. No child should be deprived of education. They are our hope! They are the future! Teach them the virtue of giving back, the value of volunteering and the generosity of supporting their community.
From the Founder
"In this program, I am advocating two things that are so important to me; the power of Education and the generosity that comes out from Sharing. I came from a poor and big family. Growing up, I was always short of school supplies because food at the table was the priority. I collected scrap pencils and crayons, about 1 inch or so left. What a garbage from other kids were treasures for me. I endured the teasing because I knew I was helping my family by doing it. Every time I picked up one from the ground, to me was a saving for my school need. Our situation then was my motivation to never give up school. Our parents always said, "Education is the only thing in life that once you achieved, no one can steal it". One sibling died when he was only 5 but the rest of us 9 children completed education to a certain degree, diploma, or certification. Proud to say, we all completed school as working students.
I was fortunate to experienced living in other countries when I got married; Makkah & Jeddah, Saudi Arabia; Dubai, United Arab Emirates; El-Hajeb, Morocco and now in Calgary, Canada. In every country I lived, I learned valuable lessons in life. In Canada, I learned the amazing power of volunteering. I was amazed how many people volunteer their time, efforts, as well as donating some of their hard-earned money. Back home, life is a daily survival. To work for free was uncommon. However, growing up from a big family taught me the virtue of sharing, unknowingly.
Teaching newly landed immigrants how to use computer programs was the very first volunteer work I did in Canada. Followed by volunteering at my kid's school fundraising, I sold chocolates and coupon books. Combining the power of education and sharing are the major factors that got me to create the School Supplies Outreach Program. Getting education is what helped my family get out of poverty. I believe no child should be deprived of education. The hard life I experienced growing up and the generous lessons I learned along the way are stories I share every time I personally deliver school supplies to the children. I say to them, "There is always hope, no matter what your status in life is now, as long as you complete your education, you will go far in life. One day, you will also stand in front of the children to share your own story".
I dedicate this program to all children who are the future of the world. I also dedicate this program to all the generous people who never get tired to share their blessings, as well as to those who gave their time and efforts to the program. But mostly, I dedicate this program to my husband and children who supported my vision. Without their support and believe in me, I could have not done any of this. To all the people who had and yet to get involved, my heart is full of gratitude and forever will be grateful!"
- Evelyn Serbout