Stephanie Haas 

Stephanie Haas, Social Media Coordinator This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Hello, my name is Stephanie Haas. I was born and raised in Victoria, BC. I attended the University of Victoria and completed a BSc in Psychology before moving to Calgary in 2007. From a young age my family modeled acts of service to others and that has been a guiding principle for me. I joined Girl Guides at the age of 6 and have continued to mentor young women for over 20 years as an adult. I attended, as a delegate, the World Guiding Conference for Leadership in London, England. It was there I met young women from all over the globe who shared my passions for creating connections and community building. It was through this collaboration that the seeds of global change through local initiatives took root. Today, I work full time as a Flight Attendant for Westjet, a job which allows me to continue to fuel my passion to see around the next corner of the globe. Being a Girl Guide Leader and a board member of Outreach Program Canada (OPC) fosters my desire to build community connections, as well as create and empower change in the world. I am thrilled to be working with this amazing Board in my capacity as Social Media Coordinator to foster education and advocate for those in need, locally and globally.